Citation Information :
Ramesh N, Thangavel K, Aravind RJ, Kumar I, Priydharshini G, Ashmi A. Various Techniques Employed in the Removal of Apical Root Tips Following Dental Extraction. 2020; 9 (2):36-38.
Tooth extraction is one of the very common procedures performed in a dental setup. Tooth loss might influence the patients’ class of life and it is a significant indicator of oral hygiene. However, it is indicated in conditions where a tooth is already fractured or spoiled by dental caries beyond a situation where it could be restored by restorations like endodontic fillings or prosthetic options. Every so often, however, there is excessive harm for the tooth to be repaired. There are many reasons as to why a tooth has to be extracted. Few of them are trauma, periodontal diseases, orthodontic reasons, caries-affected, impactions, supernumerary teeth, and for prosthetic management. Tooth extraction is known to be the deletion of a tooth from its socket in the jaws. There are various techniques employed for the same. Though dentists handle it in a very effective manner, there are few chances of complications and failures to occur. One common failure encountered is the fracture of tooth. It may occur in either the crown portion or the root. Fracture of roots can still be classified into three. Of which this article, deals with the fracture at apical one-third and apical two-thirds of the root. This article deals with various techniques for the removal of the broken apical third or two-third that remains in situ.
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