Dental caries is a disease that results in destruction of tooth structure called as carious lesions. The formation of carious lesion over a period of time is a sequel of alternating sequence of demineralization and remineralization of the hydroxyapatite crystals in the tooth structure. The yesteryears’ management was focused on the lesions alone, in the surgical model of ‘drill and fill’. Currently the disease prevention is receiving its due attention, a paradigm shift which is a result of a better and deeper understanding of the etiopathogenesis of carious disease. The formation of new lesions as well as remineralization of initial lesions are prevented by targeting various causative factors using biomaterials. These preventive materials and their current modifications are used in the non-operative treatment of caries, focusing on the preservation of the healthy tooth structure. This article highlights the latest advances in biomaterials used for the nonoperative treatment of dental caries.
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